Monoprinting with Shrinky Dinks

A monoprint is a form of printmaking where the image can only be made once, unlike most printmaking which allows for multiple originals—Tate Museum

In this little DIY, you’ll use shrink plastic to create two works of art using the monoprint method.

You will need:

The first step is to draw your image on your plastic using your pastels. Lightly dampen with a paint brush and place your yardstick or watercolor paper over the damp image. Press firmly and lift off to achieve your monoprint. You might have to experiment with the amount of water added. If there is too much water, simply wash your plastic with soap and water, dry off and try again on a new piece of paper.

While your paper dries, decide if you’ll be turning your plastic into a keychain, backpack tag or necklace or displaying it as a miniature work of art. If you are wearing your Shrinky Dink or hanging it, punch a hole through the top of your plastic BEFORE placing it in the oven. Once out of the oven and cool, add any adornments if you’ve punched a hole or display on a miniature easel.

Cara Franke