In Honor of National Sticker Day...

stickers from our studio stash

If you’ve been to our studio, you are familiar with our love of stickers. I remember as a child going to the local candy store and ogling the rolls of Mrs. Grossman’s stickers on the racks. I had sticker books and adorned the inside of every closet, dresser drawer and cabinet with stickers. Fast forward to me becoming a parent and when my child was in preschool I signed him up for a monthly sticker membership with Pipsticks. Parent tip: stickers come off super easy with a little mayonnaise soak. It’s gross and it works! Fast forward to this week, and it’s National Sticker Day on Saturday! Who knew?! There’s a way to celebrate something every day, just ask our studio teacher and content creator Kate Spong. She created a whole spreadsheet for our curricular needs! She also created a DIY to make your own stickers at home. Keep scrolling because I’ll pop that video at the bottom of this post.

To make your own stickers, here’s what you’ll need:

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Cara Franke