DIY Pom Pom Maker and Door Hanger

A few months ago, during one of our Art Camps, we created makeshift pom pom and tassel makers using two and a half wooden craft sticks, and they worked quite well! Here’s the how-to so you can pom pom your heart out and jazz up all the doors in your home.


Materials needed:

  • 3 wooden craft sticks

  • hot glue

  • yarn

  • scissors

  • upholstery needle or one with large eyehole

Step 1: cut one stick in half and lay across the tops of the other two. Hot glue in place (pic below)


Step 2: Wrap yarn around and around and around, making sure to leave space between yarn and half wooden craft stick. The more revolutions, the bigger the pom pom…and the trickier to tie it together. The thicker the yarn, the thicker the pom pom. Feel free to experiment!

Step 3: Cut a short string (bottom pic, left) and wrap through and around center of yarn (middle pic). Tie securely (bottom pic, right)

Step 4: Slide yarn off craft sticks (bottom pic, left)

Step 5: Cut loops of yarn on either side of center tied string, and it will puff out (middle pics)

Step 6: Trim pom pom (careful not too short) to a uniform shape (bottom pic, right)

To make a tassel, slide a string through center (pictured with white string, bottom pic, left), then tie (center pic). Wrap string around yarn and tie close to craft stick (center pic, red string). Cut ends of string opposite to white string (bottom pic, right).

Step 7: Using a tapestry needle, thread a long piece of string through eye of needle and through center of pom poms.


Step 8: Tie a slip knot at the top, attach the tassel at the bottom, hang and enjoy.

Cara Franke